A Musical and Art group

musical notationWe set up a group for music and singing for adults with learning disabilities. Mainly because there were none in the area that met our needs. This was a great success as many who joined us enjoyed the musical activity and attend the weekly sessions. The details of the venue and times are as shown below.

NB We are only able to meet once a week for music at the moment. After lockdown we are trying to rebuild our group and this has taken time.

Music can facilitate:

  • attention
  • recognition
  • communication
  • anticipation
  • fine and gross motor skills
  • social skills
  • patterning (such as counting or pre-reading skills)
  • fostering memories
  • self-esteem

Venue and times

Please contact us if you want to be considered becomming a member. Also please read our policy first – click here.


Drayton Bassett
WI Hall
Heathley Lane
B78 3TT

Music Group

Meets every Thursday 12.30 till 2.30pm.
Disabled Access.

Places are available.  Contact us first before attending.

Music Express

Time: Music Express has been replaced by the above session “Music Group”.

Informative Art

paint_brush_strokeDue to the generosity of our sponsors, we now run an informative art group. The members can enjoy being creative using various art medium which we can supply. We provide a safe and non-judgemental environment where the individual can have fun exploring their artistic abilities.

Time: Not yet restarted after the pandemic lockdown.

For more information, please contact us.

Sounds of Music

In the past, we ran “Sounds of Music”. This session has been paused and is waiting to be revived. 

Photographs and/or video may be taken

By taking part in these events you grant the event organisers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the group’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.

However, we undertake to not print any names that allow the viewer to identify the participants unless specifically asked to do so by the said participant.

If you do not wish to be photographed please inform an event organiser.



  1. The work performed by this group is outstanding. It is wonderful to see members developing their talents and gaining the opportunity to do this in a friendly and supportive environment. It has been a great pleasure to meet one of the group at the Cambrian Heritage Railway and see him enjoy the day while showing rapt attention and learning at the same time. Well done Yvonne and Mike for providing this great opportunity. I look forward to hearing and seeing the success of the group as it goes from strength to strength.

  2. Well done to all involved!, its great to see the members thriving in such a safe and fun learning environment. As a parent of a child with learning difficulties groups like these are vital and such a benefit to the local area.

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