Art Blog May-July 2018

Our group have started doing their chosen project of a circus theme. They have decided to do three large canvas’s, as there were lots of ideas our members had.

In Photo-A the member is drawing a circus tent and steam train. As the canvas’s are quite large, there will be a number of different animals to do. In Photo-B the member is drawing a tiger. She enjoys doing animals.



Another member is painting some elephants to go onto the canvas in Photo-C. We can see how the circus theme is developing. A finished gorilla is in Photo-D. Our member is clearly happy with what she has achieved. In Photo-E we can see the tiger almost completed.




Photo-FOur member who has eyesight problems, has managed to trace a large gorilla and starting to paint it. He can with the help of the large magnifying glass, see a little clearer the outline, and where he wants to paint as shown on the right.

In Photo-G The circus tent is being painted in bright colours. More animals are being done for the project.

Photo-H shows our member who likes animals and has just completed a giraffe painting.




In photos below, the member is concentrating very carefully on painting the circus tent. He is pleased with his achievements as seen in the second photo.
Painting the tent 1

Painting the tent 2
Photos Click HereClick the button on the left to see photos of more animals being drawn/painted.

We can start to see how their circus theme project is going to look. In photo the below some of the animals have been placed on the canvas, to help the members see how it is developing.
Animals Added

More colourful animals being painted by our member who has progressed so much in her hand/eye coordination. She enjoys doing very detailed art now, as shown below

Drawing Elephant 1

Drawing Elephant 2

Photos Click HereOur member who likes making items, is deciding what colours to paint his tractor? Click the button on the right to see the progression with the finished tractor in the last photo.

Bird on twig

Horse for circus

The first photo above shows our member with eye sight problems has chosen a detailed bird to draw/paint. In the adjacent photo this member who has now managed to trace drawings of her choice, is doing a horse for the circus canvas. She is progressing so well in her hand/eye coordination, and deciding to try different forms of art, that she hasn’t had the opportunity to do until joining our group.

fish in detailIn photo on the left, another detailed drawing done by our member who likes different animals. She spent quite a while concentrating on doing this picture. Also, in the photo below, our member with eyesight problems, has drawn his own picture and coloured it with water colour pencils. He is becoming more confident and choosing a variety of things he wants draw/paint. In the right photo, he has used water colour paints/pencils to complete his painting. He is learning how he can use different methods of blending materials to make his art colourful

Own composition 1

Own composition 2

Our member who likes trains and making wooden items, has chosen to paint churches that he has seen and likes. He takes photographs and draws/paints them at the group. Photo below shows this and represents progress, as he is now starting to widen his choice of art.

Church drawing
The photo below on the left is work from a member who is improving in her hand/eye skills and is enjoying cutting out her finished art. She has managed the skill of using scissors, and is very pleased at her achievements. On the right shows other materials/textures have been used by another member, who is happy with her completed art. She used dried wood, leaves and ribbons to make a colourful picture.

Using scissors

Wood, leaves and ribbons

Holiday memory drawingIn photo on the right, the member with eye sight problems has drawn this picture of what he saw on holiday. It is wonderful to see how he is starting to use perspective in his drawing. His confidence and coordination is improving.

Another piece of wooden art was chosen by our member who likes painting wood, in the form of a hand. The progress of the work is shown in the photos below, with the colour chosen by himself.

Wooden hand in progress

Wooden hand finished

Click here
for masks
Our members had the opportunity to try painting masks. They hadn’t done this before, and not all of them wanted to do that. This is an issue with people with autism/learning disabilities. Looking at faces and eyes can cause stress for them. It was helpful to see how some of them members painted the masks.

dragonflyIn photo on the left, another detailed drawing/painting by our member who likes animals/insects/dinosaurs. Her choice is expanding as she becomes more confident.

The circus project has another theme of a very colourful carousel, that this member enjoys painting/drawing the tent/carousel for the other members to put on the horses and animals they are painting. The photos below show this taking shape.

Circus tent 1

Circus tent 2

Click here
for mosaic
The contribution our group made to the Tamworth Celebration of Athelflaed , was on display in the castle grounds on July 14th 2018. It was a very interesting and large mosaic, done by a number of groups/schools and voluntary groups. Click on the right for the photos.

Our group members were very pleased and enjoyed doing their part for the community.

Photos below are of our members who would like to have their faces on the circus canvas when it is finished, ready for our art exhibition later in the year.
member 1

member 2

member 3

member 4

member 5

1 Comment

  1. I am amazed at what the members achieve! the detail is a credit to them and the helpers who have taught them how to do it.
    You certainly care passionately about helping people with learning and physical impairments.
    Well done, and I hope you get the recognition you deserve!

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