Art Show – November 2018

Carousel Horse

Our Art Show on 18th November was a very successful afternoon. We had quite a number of different paintings to display, and it gave us all the opportunity to see how much the members had created during the months leading up to it.

The circus theme that they chose to work on as a group, looked very colourful. They were displayed on wooden legs, and in a triangle to enable people to walk around it easily to have a look. Our group members liked the idea of having a photo of their faces put onto the circus tent canvas. It helped them all to feel included in the project. A very important point when they were all doing different parts of the theme. The completed art was a team effort, as seen below.

Three Circus Paintings

During the afternoon our members were demonstrating their skills for the public to see. This was an issue we had to consider before the exhibition, as some members have problems with ‘new people’ around them. during the months leading up to the show, we were preparing them, by explaining that other people will come into the room and have a look at their art if they want them too? Helping them to decide what they would like to do if they came. It would be like an art group session as much as possible and it turns out they were happy to be part of it. The tables were set as in our group session, which helped them feel settled in their familiar setting. Again, a great deal of planning had to go into putting on the show. By considering all the issues each member has, it turned out to be a very relaxing and a happy atmosphere. The photos below show selections artwork.

Three Circus Paintings

In photo on the right, this member is holding a hand carved out of wood. It was done by our other member who likes wood carving and painting his finished projects at art group. This helping his social skills as the member examines work of others and they talk about the artwork. This is also encouraging friendship building.





Classical Masks

In photo on the left, members had the opportunity to paint a mask, and you see a bright coloured painting of a Greek Mythical Creature.

Framing a paintingOur members with eyesight problems has decided to finish some of his art by painting a frame around it, which does make it stand out as shown on the right.

More art on display in photos below.

More paintings

using finger paintingIn photo on the right, a member finishing her art and showing her skills to the public. Another member trying out a new skill with pastels, and learning to shade by using his finger.

Our member that likes animals is starting her drawing, and is coping well with other people looking on as they walk round the room. This is shown below.

Drawing animals

In photos below, this member is happy completing his pictures of trains.

trains - click to enlarge


The atmosphere was calm and relaxed and all our members were pleased to be showing what art they had done on display, and also, to be doing art whilst others looked on.

This was showing how their confidence and social skills have been improving over time. They were feeling a sense of achievement and involving the community, who were very supportive.

We also sold some of the art, which will help us to purchase more art materials.

The exhibition was a lovely way to show the public a variety of art our members were having the opportunity to express themselves through. I try to include our group as much as possible to be involved with the community.
Seeing how our members coped was for me an acknowledgement that being in a small group, and helping them to develop their social skills at their own pace helped to make the day enjoyable for everyone.

More of their art can be seen by ckicking the box:

Photos Click Here

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