August 2017 – Informative Art News

Finished Rail Station
Finished Rail Station

Our group have been very busy finishing their art for the exhibition towards the end of September, and to display at our local library.

Painting a Rail Station

Painting a Rail Station

Finished Rail Station

Finished Rail Station

In the photo above our member who is very interested in heritage trains, is starting a painting of a railway station. This drawing/painting chosen by the member, is of a railway station he hasn’t been to yet. This is showing that our member is using his imagination and thinking about how he expects it to look.

Usually, he will draw/paint in detail of what he has seen. Often this is a wonderful gift many autistic people have. The progress apparent now, is how this member is starting to create pictures, and thinking about how it may look. It is a real step forward in his self expression. See the finished painting in photo on the right. He is planning to visit the railway soon.

In photo below our member who enjoys painting flowers, is using a smaller canvas. It will help to bring out the flowers, as they are small petals. You can see in the finished painting, how the bright colours stand out.

Painting Flowers

Painting Flowers

Using a smaller canvas again, our member chose to do a selection of flowers, which look very effective on a white background. See photos below (0295, 0290).

Flower Stalk

More Flower Paintings

Train EngineNarrow BoatThe member who enjoys trains and canal boats, also chose to use a smaller canvas, as in paintings on the right.

Having the opportunity to express themselves through informative art, they are progressing in their social abilities, working and being part of a team.

It is having a good positive effect on developing their skills and confidence. Which is a really wonderful outcome when contrasted with how they were when they first joined the group.

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