June 2017 Update – Creating Art

learning acrylic painting

flower vase on boardOur members have been busy working on and choosing what pictures they are going to do for our exhibition in September 2017. One of our members has been working on hardboard with a textured background (photo on the right) – a vase of flowers on a table.  Although not finished yet, she has been choosing the colours herself and you can see how the picture is building and other colours can be added or changed at another time. As it takes time for the acrylic paint to dry, our members are learning to leave it to dry when they have done enough and begin another painting, knowing they can go back to it another week to finish it. This has been really positive progress, because when working with different paints such as oils or acrylics, can take time to dry, and their paintings won’t be ready to take home with them on the day. It means reassuring our members they can finish it ‘next time’, a concept which can be very difficult for them to understand.

Tiger paintingIn this photo on the left, a member who likes animals, has begun to paint a tiger, and very excited about painting it bright orange and black. Again, not being able to complete it in one session, it is allowing them to think about other ideas they would like to do, and start on, whilst one is drying.

Egyptian Head
In the photo above is an Egyptian painting by one of our members (who is very interested in Egyptian pictures) which has been completed. His similar works are in the four photos below. Also, to make the pictures look age, the edges have been torn around them to give that effect. The Egyptian paintings have been done on textured paper and using water colour paints. Colours are chosen by the member himself who really enjoys that subject.

egyptian head 2Egyptian head close up

Egyptian dog head - small

Egyptian dog head


steam trainIn photo on the right, is a steam train painted on a board and using acrylic paints. This takes time to dry and can be finished at another time.

Preparing for our exhibition our members will be working on a variety of paintings, and we will be photographing their work in stages to show how their pictures are developing. In photo below, the tiger painting has just been started and will be photographed in stages to the finished painting.

Tiger painting - large

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