Music Group Christmas Party 2016

We had our Christmas party on 8th December, who all had a lovely time. Our members helped to prepare the room, and food, which everyone enjoyed taking part in sharing and working as a team, to ensure all went well. Singing and dancing was enjoyed by everyone, and surprising performances were performed by all who joined our group and have been part of the group for over a year.
Confidence in those who were singing with new songs and members who were dancing was wonderful to see. The atmosphere was happy and festive, and the highlight of the party was, a surprise visit from Santa Claus. Santa made a surprise entrance after lunchtime, with a big sack of presents. Santa Claus went round the group talking to everyone, and the group all really enjoyed saying hello to Santa and receiving a present from him.
Afterwards, Santa had his photograph taken with our group and joined in singing Jingle Bells and We Wish You A Merry Christmas. After photographs and singing Santa enjoyed mince pies, and stayed to see the group singing and dancing.
The confidence improvements has been outstanding since the start of the group over a year ago now. The friendships have been developing and the communication skills and co-operation skills have gone from strength to strength. Working as a team and taking on roles to make sure everyone is part of the group is amazing to see. We are working towards doing a Show in the new year where everyone will be involved.
We are soon going to purchase with the help of a grant from our sponsor, the National Lottery, for which we are very grateful for being chosen, electronic equipment, to enable everyone to be given the chance to enjoy and play musical instruments of their choice. The grant will also allow us to continue at the venue which meets the needs of our members.
Our other sponsor is the M6 Toll, who recently awarded us generously with the cheque shown below.
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