Sounds Of Music, March-April 2019

song with action

Our Sounds of Music group has been developing slowly over the weeks. As I mentioned in our previous blog. We were going to spend time helping members to connect their songs to lyrics/words.

using lyrics sheet
without lyrics sheet

In photo 2225 – this member does like to use lyrics, but is also learning to remember songs too. See photo 2223 when he isn’t using lyrics.

no lyrics sheet
phone used to help

In photo2265, this member is singing her song without lyrics/words. In photo 2370 she is using her phone to help another member with his chosen song. This was good progress as they were interacting and helping each other, as they did not have lyrics to the song.

using the phone for lyrics


In photo 2425, this member does like to use her phone for her songs, but she finds it very difficult to keep up with the words as they appear too fast for her to follow. We are encouraging her to sing from lyrics/words as it will help her to enjoy singing the song clearer. This idea is not fully accepted by her yet. We will continue to encourage her.

getting confident
quite confident here

In photo 2395, this member is growing in confidence and enjoying singing along to his favourite songs that he knows quite well. Photo 2419.

singing together
expressing feeling

Expressive singing


feeling with lyrics


In photo 2403,these two members are enjoying a song they both like. Our other member who is very shy, is happy to join in , which was lovely to see. This shows both are gaining confidence. In photos 2355,2356, this member is doing very well at remembering some of his songs. See the expression on his face as he is singing with feeling. As when he if following lyrics too-photos 2353,2352,2351,2349,2350.

feeling the song


singing expression


singing without sheet


singing emotion


We are also encouraging members to play a variety of instruments which they like very much, and are progressing in their skills.

enjoying xylophone


trying a different instrument


book of instruments


See photo2229, this member is enjoying playing a small xylophone , and in photo2291, he is trying another instrument. In photo2288, he is looking at a book of musical instruments with our volunteer. Our member can see many instruments in the book that we have at our group to play. As this member is very reluctant to sing aloud, we are encouraging his skills in other ways.

try xylophone


smaller xylophone


close-up xylophone


In photo 2293, another member is playing a larger xylophone and is enjoying himself. He also likes the smaller one too, photos 2301,2368.

another member xylophone


progressing xylophone


keyboard skills


concentrating on keys


In photo 2266, another member trying the xylophone which she is progressing very well with, photo 2394. In photo 2373/2374 our member is learning the basic letters on the keyboard.

Another member trying the electronic drums, which he knows how to find the sounds he likes.

progressing on drums


In photo 2421, this member is progressing with the electric drums as well as the xylophone. Her talent at picking out the beats/notes to music is amazing.An idea which is being enjoyed by our Sounds Of Music and Music Express group, is using pictures that they choose and draw to relate to their songs.

musical notes in colours


enjoying learning music


This is helping our non-verbal members very much and members who have difficulties with reading/colours. In photos 2527,2528, we can see how this member is enjoying learning to write letters in different colours. This is going to help him with his keyboard, and in many other ways.

action with song 1


action with song 2


action with song 3


action with song 4


We are still encouraging our members to use actions to their songs, as it is continuing to help with confidence. Photos 2324,2332,2331,2341, and the car actions in photos 2275,2274,2273.

car action with song


car action with song 2


car action with song 3


The use of pictures is accepted and our members bring their own each week. This idea has given them the opportunity to express themselves through art and music, and is a wonderful way to help our non-verbal members.


Click to see more photos


Uniquely Me & U is moving forward and learning from our members new ways of communication, that they enjoy and that helps them progress at their own pace. Having the opportunity of being in a small group, they can develop their skills while enjoying music and exploring a variety of instruments.

The positive outcomes Uniquely Me & U is having for our members, is showing that we are developing and evolving in a wonderful way.

We are going to trial one Saturday in a month to hold another Sounds Of Music session. Anyone who may be interested should contact me for dates/times and cost which would need to be paid in advance. Mobile 07949873314

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