Music Group Activities Including Birthday Party in July 2017

July has been an enjoyable and exciting for our members.
They have been getting used to the electronic drums that we had last month. Our wheelchair member has enjoyed making music on the drums see photo. He is able to reach the drums with ease in his wheelchair. The drums are light and very easy to move around the room as needed.
It has been an extra special month for one of our members, who had a birthday celebration party on the 27th July. In photo below our member who wanted to sing Happy Birthday for the person, had been looking forward to doing that by himself. It was such a moving experience as he had been going over it at home before the day. The team work, friendships and social skills that are developing is amazing and wonderful to see. The positive outcomes the group is having on our members shows how important is to them.
In photos below our birthday member is enjoying singing and his support worker is helping him to socialise.
The birthday cake had our group name on it and musical instruments as in the photo. To include everyone as they sang happy birthday, and blew out the candles.
Everyone had a lovely time at the party, and we had another surprise on that day too. The Former Mayor of Tamworth Councillor Ken Norchi, who visited our group in May 2017, also turned up. He was very pleased with the opportunity our group was giving, and the benefits it was having on our members.
On the 27th July at the party, he presented the group with a cheque for £500. The donation is a much appreciated gift. It allows us to continue with our group. The presentation photo was in our local newspaper The Tamworth Herald . It is raising awareness of our group and enjoyment it is giving to our members.
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